A.R.I.S.H. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization which means every contribution counts and makes a significant impact on our organization, homes, and of course the people we serve and support. When you donate it builds opportunity for our people and enables us to provide vital services to all who call A.R.I.S.H, home. A.R.I.S.H. offers donors a variety of options to ensure that our organization is open to all kinds of gifts.
An integral part of A.R.I.S.H.’S current and future success is the network of donors who invest in our mission with annual gifts. Your Annual Giving Donations help Support an impactful program of Individualized Care Services for people with disabilities. ICS provided at A.R.I.S.H. include educational programming, wellness events, holiday meals and festive community events, transportation, and regular access to on-site, personalized support to help people access the resources needed to live more steady, happy, and healthy lives.
We appreciatively acknowledge our sponsors with various benefits including social media recognition, and possibilities for custom individual giveaways. High-level sponsors may also have unique opportunities to engage directly with our homes. At A.R.I.S.H, we seek to collaborate with our sponsors to create authentic and meaningful recognition opportunities that align with our mission and prioritize our people with disabilities.
You choose the amount and frequency of your git that will go directly to providing services and resources for our people with disabilities.
If someone has made a difference in your life, honor them by making a difference in the life of another. Honor your loved one or celebrate a special event, like a birthday, wedding, or holiday, by donating to A.R.I.S.H.
We appreciate the great value that corporate partners and charitable foundations bring to our community. Your organization can significantly enhance our work and allow us to better deliver services to those in need.
We welcome donated goods and services to aid our people, while also alleviating additional costs incurred through our services.We thank the following people who have donated to A.R.I.S.H.: David & Mary Jones, Shawntavia Michaud, Donna & Kathleen Shipley, Diana & Charity Taylor
We the team members of A.R.I.S.H would like to thank you for your support of our fundraiser.
Your generosity and kindness is appreciated. You are playing a vital role in supporting
people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through A.R.I.S.H. May our
Almighty God continue to strengthen you to do the work he has called you to do.
2024 Summer Fundraiser: Pizza and Popcorn. exceeded our goal.
2024 fall fundraiser Snack USA successful